Why not combine the watermelon with other products


Почему нельзя сочетать арбуз с другими продуктамиIn combination with other products watermelons dangerous poisoning.

Watermelon is one of the most useful berries, which stimulates the bowels, gently cleans the kidneys and rids the body of harmful substances, strengthens the heart muscle. This was reported by doctor Victoria Savitskaya.

Watermelon has diuretic properties, it is recommended for edema caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gaps with the veins.

“Watermelon, on the one hand, saturate the body with liquid, because the fruit is 90% water, with the other pushes the body of stagnant fluid, than gently cleanses and get rid of excess water and as a result, a few centimeters at the waist or hips. But it should be careful, because it can cause dehydration, so replace the watermelon clean water is not necessary. After eating watermelon, when after some time will want to drink – choose mineral water without gas.
It should also be remembered that Arba is better to use a separate product some time after the main reception look. As the use of watermelon along with other products may lead to the formation of gases and bloating,” says the doctor.

It is also worth remembering that in the early watermelons with a high probability to contain nitrates, as in the processing in the body, they turn into a poison. In small quantities our immune system cope well with them, but it all depends on concentration. Because early watermelons, since you decided to buy them, you can not eat in large quantities.

You also need to remember about contraindications eating watermelon and limitations in a number of diseases.

“Watermelon really improves the functions of gastrointestinal tract and stimulates peristalsis, but in a number of diseases with the intestinal tract, excessive consumption of this fruit can cause stomach upset and dehydration,” says the doctor.


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