We seriously hoped that sown grain will grow Switzerland, and not a mixture of the Scoop with Latin America


Мы тогда всерьез надеялись, что из посеянных зерен уродится Швейцария, а не смесь Совка с Латинской АмерикойNow, remembering hydrocorisone, clearly understand the main principle the substitution they made at the theoretical level (of course not from a bona fide error, and very selfish).

They reproduced the rhetoric of the Western neoliberals against the “big state”. OK, you can discuss the applicability of this ideology in their native West and post-Soviet realities. But in Russia there was no neoliberalism, and the situation was much worse.

Liberalism initially, from the time the Whigs of the 18th century brought the role of the state to the role of “night watchman”. That is, to a very small set of basic and original functions, and that functions of violence – domestic (legal) and external (defense). That is, the liberal state is a Leninist apparatus of violence in its purest form. But not the violence “of the ruling classes”, and of violence, implementing and supporting the idea of Law as General rules for all games.

Instead, gaydarochubaysy simply destroyed the apparatus of legal violence. Of course under the liberal slogans: because liberalism is freedom and the market! The police and judges went to the market to sell their services. And when gaydarochubaysam pointed to criminal lawlessness reigned, they appealed…. to Marx! That is, to his theory of primitive accumulation as the fruit of robbery, piracy and all sorts of criminality. But Marx, when he wrote that, polemically sharpened his theory against the bourgeois theories of capital accumulation as a result of thrift, diligence and all kinds of virtues – a theory which, in turn, had a specific reason for this and anticipated quite a scientific theory of the Protestant ethic of Weber. Weber gaydarochubaysam came not to the court. For Weber, by contrast, was moved to refer to Communists as proof, saying that Russia “mentality” its not able to capitalism.

Gidrofobizatsii “liberal state,” was the watchman who protects, then has. And the owners of the protected says: “where your crust guard and a certificate for the weapon? No? Well, go, work three jobs 12 hours a week to just to feed your family, and remember that this is what you’re life suckers and losers. And we’ll show on TV pictures of a beautiful life these held boys. And comforted by the fact that the rich also cry! And try to occur – so we have tanks. For science, the state is an instrument of violence in the hands of the ruling classes, and here we are building capitalism, “Nantico on the moon” read? So. And in General dismissed immediately you ball, with this democracy, Pinochet would you good”.

That’s the whole, Friedman and Hayek into the bargain.
And somehow, we were seriously hoping that sown grain will grow Switzerland. And not mix a Scoop with Latin America.

Paul Shechtman

Every theater and other p…soobrattee, mistakenly known in Russia as the “creative elite”, so shocked by the arrest Serebrennikov, suddenly saw the light: it was revealed that Putin nanocomposites.

Almost in the twentieth year of the Putin government.

When they came for the NBP – I…. no, I’m not silent, I made a confidant of Putin in the elections.

When he came to… when he killed… when burned… when bombed… And I accepted the award and order.

I did the conversion of Saul. On the road to Damascus, yeah.

And if you, bitch, the whole company said that Putin nanocomposites in 2000?

I understand, at least, hard workers. Them 90s seemed to be some tragic misunderstanding, and they expected Putin to the revival of trade-Union vouchers and free summer camps.

But creative-intellectuals – it is vitally interested in expanding the space of freedom. This corporate interest is the same as the workers – the expansion of production. They must be those white mice that first honk on the reduction of oxygen in the air.

But this is not about servile Soviet intelligentsia. Artists fortress houses used to attach to handle bar and get a vodka.

As long as the mad master began to flog.



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