These beautiful flowers can be deadly. Photo


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Many of us dream about a “secret garden”, which is at the rear and has a fragrance that exudes the beautiful flowers, blooming all year round. But how many of us have enough will and time to properly care for such a garden is quite another story. However, many people have a favorite flower even if the flower in just a few hours can kill them and their pet. Just some hard to resist the appeal of danger. If you are looking for thrills, do it responsibly and not take chances.

10. Mistletoe

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Sounds a bit ironic, but the plant is known as the “Branch of kisses” and traditionally used as a Christmas decoration, is poisonous. Although mistletoe is unlikely to be the cause of death if the berries are eaten, for example, a child should immediately consult a doctor.

The symptoms of mistletoe poisoning include nausea, blurred vision and diarrhea. The ancient Greeks believed that mistletoe had the power to bestow fertility and “to give life”. While they didn’t care if you use it too much, it will take you. The Scandinavians considered mistletoe a plant of peace under its branches was a truce.

Fun fact: Mistletoe is polyparasitism.

9. Oleander

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Surprisingly, many poisonous flowers that can be used to treat those conditions that they cause. For example, while oleander can slow the heart rate, it is also used to prevent heart failure. Oleander really cures many diseases, such as epilepsy, asthma, malaria and even ringworm.

Strange, isn’t it? However, if you eat oleander, not because of medical need, you get an attack of abdominal pain, rash, disorientation, fainting, abnormal heart rhythm and a bunch of other symptoms. Among the toxic substances contained in the oleander: digitoxigenin, nerien, oleandrin, and oleandroside. In spite of all these dangerous toxins, in the world is grown more than 300 varieties of oleanders.

8. Wisteria

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Wisteria is very beautiful. Can’t argue with that. But can’t argue with the fact that it’s poisonous. Native to China, Korea and Japan (and imported into the Eastern United States), Wisteria can bloom pink, purple, white or blue flowers in clusters hanging from the stem.

If the flowers are eaten, symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and Central nervous system depression. While the poisonous are all parts of the plant, the seeds are the most dangerous. Wisteria is very toxic to cats and dogs. Be careful where you place this plant!

7. Trumpet angel

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Hanging flowers of the genus Brugmansia, they are the same Trumpet of the angel does not there good as their name. Once in the digestive tract, they cause symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, diarrhea, vomiting, problems with pupils, and paralysis, and even death.

Native to South America, all kinds of these colors are now considered extinct in the wild. However, the family continues to live by cultivation, and the emergence of several hybrids.

6. Lily

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There are many varieties of lilies, some of which are toxic. Most people know Lily “Stargazer”. In addition, there are many colors, the title of which the word “Lily”, but which in fact are not classified as lilies, such as daylilies, water Lily and Calla Lily.

Although lilies are the fourth place in popularity among the flowers in the world, very few people know how poisonous they can be. These plants are native to temperate regions in the Northern hemisphere, although the Easter Lily originated in Japan.

Lilies are generally more toxic to animals, especially cats, than to humans, but they can be dangerous. On the one hand, the juice of certain flowers can cause skin irritation, with other eating certain types of lilies can potentially lead to death. It depends on the type of Lily, is she “fake” or “real” Lily. Not all of them are so poisonous.

5. Digitalis

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Plant of the genus Digitalis, otherwise known as Foxglove, appeared in Europe and Asia. The plant contains glycosides, digitoxin and deslanoside that is unsafe for your heart. So, do not eat any of 20 species of plants, also known as “dead man’s bells”.

Poisonous are all parts of the plant, but all you will kill the leaves on the top of the stem. The use of the Foxglove leads to the appearance of symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, vomiting, convulsions, tremors, and many others.

4. Azalea

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Azaleas belong to the genus Rhododendron and is poisonous to animals such as dogs, cats and horses. Azaleas are contained in grayanotoxin that depress the Central nervous system and can put you in a coma or in a coffin, if you eat enough plants.

Azalea is quite popular in the southern United States, especially on the plantations. A native plant predominantly from Asia, but, at least, 26 species native to North America.
Interesting fact: the Azalea is the national flower of Nepal and is mentioned in ancient Chinese texts, where the flower is praised for its beauty.

3. Belladonna

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Atropa belladonna, deadly nightshade herb, devil’s cherries, deadly nightshade, or whatever else it is called, is a native of Europe, southwestern Asia, Northwest Africa, and it is full of toxins. In the use of nightshade berries to eat, get ready to experience thirst, dry mouth, delirium, rash, dilated pupils and stupor.

Also toxins can cause paralysis of the nerve endings in the automatic muscles of your body, such as blood vessels, muscles, digestive tract or heart.

Fun fact: “Belladonna” is translated from Italian as “beautiful lady” because the Italians were buried in the juice of belladonna into the eyes to make their pupils dilate, and they looked like a lovely lady.

2. Lily of the valley

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You didn’t expect this delicate and elegant flower will be poisonous? The Lily contains 38 different types of cardiac glycosides that affect the heart. Despite the fact that toxins cause vomiting, hallucinations and blurred vision, venom absorbed slowly, so you have the opportunity to get medical assistance before you lose become serious.

May also develop severe headache, nausea, slow heart rate and increased urination. However, if you do not live in Northern Europe or in America, you should not worry because Convallaria majalis (this is one of those lilies that are not lilies) prefers cool regions of the Northern hemisphere with a temperate climate.

1. Hemlock

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Lace and deadly Hemlock is a native of Europe and Africa, although later it was brought to North America, Asia and Australia. It is not necessary to say to him “nice to meet you”, because even a small piece of this plant can quickly crush you.

Poison Hemlock can cause respiratory arrest and ultimately lead to death. Water Hemlock is more poisonous than usual. In fact, water Hemlock received the honorary title of the most toxic plant that grows in North America. It will give you severe cramps before taking your life.

Strikes and how common is this flower, you can see it often, mistaking it for another plant – wild carrot, aka Queen Anne’s Lace.

Fun fact: poison Hemlock was used to kill the philosopher Socrates.


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