“The scheme of divorce as found the purse,” the Scammers have mastered a new way of theft of money


«Схема развода как с найденным кошельком» Мошенники освоили новый способ хищений денег

“The scheme of divorce as with the found purse”

Scammers have mastered a new method of theft of money from Bank cards

Fraudsters have invented a new way of theft of money from Bank cards. “The scheme of divorce as found the purse. Only instead of a purse — the forgotten card in the ATM” — said on his page in Facebook member of “RESO-Guarantee” Serge Gatilov, the attention it drew to the newspaper “Izvestia”.

The attacker allegedly forgets their card in the ATM and asks her to take the man that stood next in line. After he returns the card, the scammer claims that his account was allegedly written off a total of from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. He starts to threaten to call the police, because the map remains the fingerprints of the one who pulled her out of the ATM.

In the criminal scheme to involve more people. For example, an accomplice may represent the witness of the “theft” of money from the card.


Experts advise in a similar situation not to give in to psychological pressure and to contact the police because ATMs have cameras, and the current in each card operation recorded by the Bank. Most likely, the scammers will disappear before the arrival of security forces. In addition, it is not necessary to remove other people’s cards from ATMs, and touch the card on the ATM.


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