The main reasons causing frequent sneezing


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On earth there is no man who ever sneezed, and the vast majority of people treat this calmly. Experts from Germany called 5 reasons why we can sneeze for a long period of time, and whether the us is a cause for concern.

Beginning of a cold. This is the most obvious cause that comes to mind, perhaps, everyone is sneezing or runny nose are some of the main symptoms of the common cold, and the earliest symptoms. So if you found that faced with the ongoing cold, and not even in the coldest time of year, probably very soon, you will be cold.

The change of temperature. If you abruptly walked out of the room where the air conditioning hard at work, somewhere in the heat, then you can start a cold. Temperature changes cause a typical irritation inside the nose, provoke sneezing.

Nearby is a smoker. Cigarette smoke is also one of the most powerful irritants to the mucous membrane of the nose, it often causes sneezing and a runny nose. If you constantly have to be with a smoker, you can become a victim of chronic rhinitis.

Seasonal allergies. A huge number of people around the world suffer from seasonal allergies, which is manifested by runny nose, cough and redness of the eyes. Most often causes allergic pollen of different kinds of plants and trees. To combat these symptoms have to take antihistamines.

Pets. If you are faced with are allergic to Pets, especially cats or dogs, it can also manifest itself by sneezing. Many animal lovers believe that the Allergy is no reason to get rid of their Pets. Moreover, in some cases, allergic to Pets may become less pronounced or even completely disappear.


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