The doctors said that in some cases grapefruit are to die for


Врачи рассказали, в каких случаях от грейпфрута можно умереть This fruit is deadly in the use of some medications.

Considered useful, and grapefruit at the same time can be deadly when used with certain medications, said specialists of the Research Institute for health Lawrence in Canada. Threat in such a situation, in their opinion, and fruits, and juice.

Scientific experts have cautioned that when taken with separate drugs grapefruit may contribute to the effect of an overdose of drugs because it has the ability to prevent the breakdown of medications. In particular, according to the submitted data can be dangerous in combination with grapefruit drugs against hypertension, cancer, high cholesterol, in medicines that are appointed to suppress the immune system after organ transplantation.

Under the influence of grapefruit these drugs are not metabolised in the gut, causing their concentration in blood increases. Tablet drink grapefruit juice, can affect the body as ten, drink water. This is due to the fact that contained in the grapefruit substances eluted enzymes involved in the breakdown of drug substances, said experts.

“Emerging overdose can cause serious side effects, up to acute renal failure, respiratory arrest and sudden death” – such is the opinion of scientists.

By themselves, the grapefruit is extremely useful. Scientists from Harvard medical school it was found that the citrus fruits are able to effectively counter hepatitis C is a dangerous viral disease, and the amazing human liver. In addition, grapefruit helps to effectively fight the type 2 diabetes and obesity.


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