The astronomer figured out the cause of a mysterious signal from space


Астроном выяснил причину таинственного сигнала из космосаSignal Wow! radio, was Dr. Jerry Ayman August 15, 1977.

In the opinion of the astronomer Antonio Paris, recorded 40 years ago, the signal from the constellation Sagittarius was generated by the two comets.

The researchers were able to register two comets, 266P/Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs), a signal which resembled a mysterious signal, 1977.

Signal Wow! radio, was Dr. Jerry Ayman on August 15 1977 while working on a radio telescope “Big ear” Ohio state University. Characteristics of the signal match the expected signal from an extraterrestrial origin. Amazed by this, Ayman circled its corresponding group of characters on the printout and signed on the side Wow!. But 40 years later it turned out that the source most likely are comets, not aliens.

Professor Antonio Paris from Florida in his new work showed that, apparently, the source was not in the constellation Sagittarius, and our Solar system. The signal was sent from the transmitters, which were comets Christensen and Gibbs (Comets 266/P Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs).

Both comets have a large hydrogen cloud surrounding them, which can produce a signal similar to the one that was recorded in 1977. Four months to the end of 2016 and early 2017 Paris studied with a telescope the comet 266/P Christensen, and found strong signals resembling a signal Wow!.

Paris estimated that in the period from July 27, 1977 August 15, 1977 both comets were close on the sky in the constellation of Sagittarius. Interestingly, a similar explanation for the mysterious signal could not appear in the last century – comet 266/P Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs) was discovered in 2006 and 2008.


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