Someone to fear in travel?


Not so long ago, by chance, I had to make the journey from Volgograd to Moscow in a car with reserved seats.Themselves second-class cars is a separate issue for discussion and obsujdenie questions : How?Why? Why? etc. Guides certainly are trying on their own to alleviate the suffering of travelers, but that’s how they udaysankar it all, who is ever “lucky” to ride in the reserved seat. And the most memorable and terrible factor , due to which the economy class cars are deservedly’t love are the people. The Russians…

That trip 27.11.2017 g “distinguished” by the Russians. Or as they called themselves – the younger the elite of our society. And while the students MFUA (Moscow Academy of Finance and law) that are already at the stage of learning you allow yourself to treat other people with disrespect and even with contempt, since their on the trouble he managed to get tickets in a car with a future “elite of the Russian society”.

To drink alcohol, they started back before nightfall, one is not surprised and not shocked, until the time when all the passengers began to get ready for bed. And “elite” all continued drinking, laughing loudly and making noise. At first, the passenger, the number of young mothers with children trying to appeal to the conscience of bullies, what they say and it’s time to sleep everyone and small kids because of you I can’t sleep, are fussy. For that he received from the “elite” of young people reply that it’s a free country and nobody can limit the rights and freedoms of another person. The answer is of course understandable and true, but why is the tenet we always work only one way? Why the other passengers of the ill-fated car can’t afford to sleep after 23.00? Because several of naturistov throw clever phrases? Closer to midnight, exhausted passengers began to threaten the GOP.the company that calls the police that they manodlin was to drop the hooligans off the train.What is the most daring of the bullies themselves threatened to drop off all passengers are not happy and deal with them on a desert night station. The police eventually called , using the head of the train. But in the car the police only got to 4 am, when all the hooligans from MFUA themselves tired and fell to sleep. To disembark from the train sleeping passengers, the police considered inappropriate, and the awakened passengers were against it.Reasonable to fear that because of the possible noise will barely Wake up the sleeping kids, and they have to be calm and put to sleep.

The second time the police went to the car otrov at the station between uzunovo and quite intelligibly explained to the conductor, the head of the train and several passengers that are unable to remove road bullies off the train, as last the police was not required for this paper.

Later , when all the passengers woke up, there was a short discussion on the topic:”Why do we have such a toothless police force that cannot protect the citizens from bullies, and what the school MFUA? Any bandits out there are preparing to release, if you have the students of this University can get away with rude people and to drink alcohol in a public place?” Why do we have such lawyers and the police? What is generally happening in the country? Again, human who has more rights, a club stronger and louder voice? Where our Russian society will come with such slogans?


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