Scientists told, how many actually need to eat fruit


Ученые рассказали, сколько на самом деле нужно есть фруктовThe use of these products must be controlled.

Researchers from Canada said that they just calculated how much fruit should eat the people in the day to keep the body healthy.

We have long known that eating fruits and vegetables is helpful for human health and it is important to ensure that all his organs function properly and the body received a sufficient amount of vitamins and important trace elements.

However, the exact amount of fruit, which the body needs for normal functioning, has not previously been called.

Now tests have shown that the consumption of 375 grams of fruit daily will lower the likelihood of heart disease and blood vessels.

Researcher Victoria Miller of McMaster University in Canada suggests that just such a daily dose for any adult to be enough in order to reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease or premature death. In General, if it’s quality fruit and vegetables, the human body, such a dose will receive sufficient essential nutrients.

Note that earlier, a similar dose has already called scientists, for example, who experts note that you need to every person consumed 400 grams of fruit, vegetables and legumes every day. But some doctors say that a number of these products should be almost a kilo a day. That is actually a good idea, but the norm can be considered a lot fewer fruits and vegetables. A little less than 400 grams will be sufficient to maintain the body in good shape.


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