Scientists have unraveled the mystery of the satellites of Mars


Ученые разгадали тайну спутников МарсаScientists call the satellites of Mars was created by aliens.

A group of scientists continuing study of the secrets that are associated with the origin of the Martian satellites Deimos and Phobos.

According to experts, they were able to come close to finding their true purpose.

There are now several versions of the origin of the satellites of Mars. One theory is that Phobos and Deimos before them, acted as a cosmic asteroid, turned gradually in the current state. Other scholars have relied on the theory of the origin of these satellites, going from the fact that the Fobos and Deymos was a part of Mars. Subsequently, they broke away from the planet and went to its orbit as independent bodies.

There is another view, expressed by the Russian scientist S.. According to him, Phobos is hollow. He believes this is a clear indication that the Martian satellites were created by aliens. In favor of the artificial origin of Martian moons is evidenced by the fact that they have a low density.

It is not excluded, at the time they were used by aliens to their space bases.


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