Scientists have uncovered the mystery of the unknown flashes on the moon


Ученые раскрыли тайну неизвестных вспышек на ЛунеScientists have uncovered the nature of outbreaks using 1.2-meter telescope.

Scientists have uncovered the nature of outbreaks using 1.2-meter telescope located at the Observatory of Kryoneri in Greece. The project NELIOTA astronomers watched the night side of the moon, where you do not fall sunshine, for 22 months. Weak flash, leaving a short-time heat trace was recorded with two cameras, one of which caught the red range of the radiation and the second near-infrared.

According to the researchers, they were recorded a few dozen flares, on average, one event after 1.8 hours of observation. The system allowed us to determine the temperature of the blow and fell on the surface of the moon tel was that the collision of rocks were heated to 1770-3730 Kelvin (1500-3456 degrees Celsius). This indicates that the mass falling on the Earth’s natural satellite meteorites, creating a barely visible flash, does not exceed a few tens of grams.


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