Nutritionists explained how useful the rejection of gluten


Диетологи объяснили, чем полезен отказ от глютена A gluten-free diet promotes weight loss.

Many nutritionists say that a gluten-free diet helps to lose weight. In addition, there are people who can not consume the foods that have gluten because of newsvideos of this substance by the body.

Gluten or gluten is a high molecular weight protein contained in some cereals. Allergic to gluten is most often diagnosed in children aged 6-12 months and adults between 30 and 40 years, reports Zdorovia.

Gluten is contained in large amounts in most cereals, in particular, is contained in all wheat, rye and barley. So the bread, pastries, cereal, and beer contain a lot of gluten, which causes allergies. And then there are the products in which gluten is introduced artificially to increase their elasticity.

A gluten-free diet is necessary for people who have celiac disease – an intolerance to this protein or a sensitivity to gluten. Nutritionists have compiled a list of foods that do not contain gluten.

Products that do not contain gluten:
– beef, pork, chicken and other meat;
– all kinds of fish and seafood;
– milk, kefir, natural yoghurt, cheese, butter;
– potatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini, green beans and other vegetables;
– rice, corn, peas, soybeans, mung beans;
– buckwheat, quinoa, sorghum

– all types of nuts, berries and fruits;
– mushrooms;
– eggs;


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