Named the reason of mass death of ancient civilizations


Названа причина массовой гибели древних цивилизацийThe process of globalization could lead to simultaneous collapse of many civilizations.

Scientists at the University of Wyoming (USA) came to the conclusion that the ancient civilization that existed in the last 10 thousand years, were synchronized with each other, as indicated by the approximately coincident with each other, changes in the consumption of resources and energy. Thus, different cultures were related to each other as a result of globalization, and the death of one of them provoked the disappearance of the other. Article researchers published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The researchers analyzed historical records (for the last 130 years) and the data of radiocarbon Dating of wood, charcoal, bone, and other samples up to the age of 10 thousand years, taken from various areas of the United States, Australia, great Britain, Northern Chile and other countries. Based on this information, the scientists were able to estimate the energy consumption (in the form of food and feed for farm animals, fossil fuels, electricity) human societies in different periods of time. Experts also compared the rhythmic changes in energy consumption between civilizations in different regions of the world and assessed the level of synchronization.

It turned out that the levels of energy consumption from ancient human cultures really oscillated in rhythm with each other, but the sync level fell with increasing geographical distance among Nations. Scientists explain this result by the fact that across societies there existed a connection that existed for a short period of time (trade, migration and political), and thousands of years (overall economic policy).

However, the process of globalization could lead to simultaneous collapse of many civilizations. People tend to develop the infrastructure, to make resource flows more stable on the scale of decades or centuries, but because of this socio-economic system become more specialized and vulnerable to significant environmental changes. According to researchers, this should be considered in the policy of sustainable development, which involves the interaction of different countries and coordinated use of resources.


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