Named effective prevention of osteoarthritis


Названы эффективные меры профилактики остеохондрозаDoctors recommend that all, without exception, to perform a number of exercises to prevent the development of osteoarthritis.

Osteochondrosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the spine, but each of us has a real opportunity to prevent its development.

More often in pain complaining, the elderly and those over 40. Although, there are more young people who put in 20-30 years the diagnosis “osteochondrosis”.

Doctors called the main reasons because of which can develop low back pain:

– obesity;

– a sedentary lifestyle;

professional side effects, for example, the drivers, as their spine is constantly under the influence of vibrations;

– curved posture;

flat feet;

– heavy physical work;

– advanced age.

What to do to prevent low back pain?

To download the press. Through this exercise, you will improve the blood circulation in your body and will train the back muscles.

To do a bridge or semi-bridge. This exercise has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the back that support the spine and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

Stretch. This exercise will relax the muscles and also strengthen it. Be sure to do stretching exercises of the legs, arms and spine after training or charging.

A huge advantage of these exercises sauceda that in their performance you will be breathing rhythmically, and this means the blood will come more oxygen and the heart muscle is to exercise regularly together with you.

Think about your future now and start to do the above daily and it is not a complicated exercise, which will help to maintain the health of the spine, to prevent the development of osteoarthritis and pain in the back.


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