Named delicious with antiviral effect


Названы вкусные блюда с противовирусным эффектомIt turns out that to strengthen the immune system in the winter enough to lean into the world of nutritious and delicious meals.

Winter is in full swing, and this means that the risk of catching a cold increases every day. To strengthen the protective functions of the organism, every day we need to walk in the fresh air, exercise and, of course, eat right, enriching the diet with vitamins and useful microelements.

Doctors recommend eating lots of hot

In winter, the body requires heat and energy, so you need to eat, so that the basis of the diet were first and second courses, accommodating the healthy fats, protein and of course carbohydrates.

Borsch with beans, thick ear, porridge, stir-fry with vegetables and meat or mushrooms, stews, warm salads and other meals will support vital organs and the immune system.

Bad or good cholesterol

Rich winter menu meat dishes enriched not only in nutrients but also cholesterol. Health a person needs cholesterol, but excess leads to vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure and the recruitment of extra body mass, so the diet should contain fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and greens, as well as juices and smoothies from them. Also, it is very important to drink water and warming herbal teas, which will help the digestive system to be cleansed.

Be sure to eat dairy products, because they improve the intestinal flora and promote reproduction in this beneficial bacteria, accelerates the metabolism and helps immune system to concentrate on making new cells that protect the body from viruses.


This product have the fact that he is fighting with pathogens, as it is a natural antiseptic. Doctors recommend to add honey to hot beverages, cottage cheese, in oatmeal and other dishes.

Don’t be afraid to get better “winter” diet, especially if you every day doing exercises or Hiking, after all, so extra weight gain is almost impossible.


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