Job flight attendant may cause cancer, scientists


Работа бортпроводником может вызвать рак, - ученые The researchers came to some surprising conclusions.

Flight attendants are more at risk to cancer than worldly occupations. Such a disappointing conclusion was made by American experts.

Scientists from the School of public health at Harvard University, called the profession, which can cause various types of cancer. Flight attendants are more at risk of developing a severe cancer disease. Their findings they published in Environmental Health.

Scientists decided to compare the health indicators of more than 5 thousand flight attendants and almost 3 thousand women and men of other professions having similar economic status. As it turned out, people who prefer to work on airplanes, had more risk of developing thyroid cancer, uterine, breast, gastrointestinal tract.

So, breast cancer was detected in 3.4% of the representatives of the “heavenly” profession, and among others the figure was just 2.3%. Men of science said that such stunning results are connected with the professional activities of flight attendants: airline employees are very often subjected to ionizing radiation, as well as the health status deteriorates due to malfunction of the circadian rhythms of the body caused by irregular working life.

In the United States risk to the health of flight attendants is much higher than in Europe, said experts. One of the researchers, Irina Mordukhovich noted that the EU decided to fix the level of radiation in airplanes, and the schedule amount so that the radiation dose is minimized, especially for pregnant workers. According to Mordukhovich in the USA do not apply to people.

Specialist focused on the fact that aviastroenie need to use a special protective cream that can reduce ultraviolet radiation. In addition, Mordukhovich recommends a good night’s sleep on the weekend, eat healthy and healthy food and not to neglect sports.


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