In the Italian resort of tourists were forbidden to eat on the street


На итальянском курорте туристам запретили есть на улицеCrowds of tourists, stopping to eat, interfere with local residents.

On Tuesday, September 4, in Florence, Italy began to operate the law according to which tourists are forbidden to eat on four streets in the historic centre of the city. Reported by the Daily Mail.

All who would have the streets via de Neri (Via de Neri), Piazzale degli Uffizi (Piazzale degli Uffizi), Piazza del Grano (Piazza del Grano) and via della Ninna (Via della Ninna) from 12:00 to 15:00 and from 18:00 to 22:00 will be fined 500 euros.

Such measures are explained by the fact that crowds of tourists stop to have a snack in the middle of the street and hinder the traffic in the city.

With the implementation of the new law will be watched by volunteers who can issue fines to violators.


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