In the British foreign Ministry was angry because of the call of the Russian Prancer


В британском МИД разгневались из-за звонка российского пранкера Prancer spoke with Johnson by telephone.

The British foreign office angry via a call to the Minister of foreign Affairs of Boris Johnson from the Russian prankster, who was impersonating Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinian.

Entry 18-minute conversation with the British Minister on his YouTube channel posted prokremlevskogo British journalist Graham Phillips, reports the BBC.

During the conversation Boris Johnson congratulates Pashinian alleged on his election as Prime Minister and discusses the relations between great Britain and Russia, as well as poisoning in Salisbury.

Johnson is also showing surprise when pseudo-Pashinyan claims that President Putin has an influence on the leader of labour’s Jeremy Corbin.

The British Ministry said that Johnson realized that the call was fake.

“We checked it out and immediately realized that calling the pranker. The use of chemical weapons in Syria and Salisbury and the recent events in Armenia is a serious issues. These children’s actions show a lack of seriousness in those who are behind the bell,” said the Ministry.

For a call, probably, there are two well-known Russian political prankster – Kuznetsov Vladimir (Vova) and Alexey Stolyarov (Lexus).


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