In the Arctic found the teeth of ancient man


В Арктике обнаружили зубы древнего человекаThe remains of about four thousand years

The teeth of ancient man was discovered by researchers in the Arctic.

We are talking about the teeth that were discovered in the caves, Trail Creek in 1949, but to study them properly managed only now, with the advent of modern technologies of genetic analysis.

– Human remains in General quite rare in the Arctic regions – these are the very features of the Northern areas. And the remains, which are about four thousand years – this is a very special find, – said the employee of the national Park Service, Jeff Rasic.

The age of the ancient teeth, according to Rasika is not the most important scientific discovery. Scientists are much more surprised when it turned out that the tooth belonged to the representative of the people, known to archaeologists as the ancient Beringia. Thus, the finding was truly sensational, allowing scientists to prove the fact of the migration of ancient humans from Asia to America.


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