In Sweden on the 3D printer began to print human organs


В Швеции на 3D-принтере начали печатать органы человекаThe cost biochannel varies from 9 to $ 299.

The founder of a startup Cellink Eric Gatenholm showed that human organs can be printed on a special 3D printer.

28-year-old Gatenholm sure that 20 years from using this technology to create organs for transplantation to people.

In Cellink produces so-called biochemie – liquid for printing, which consists of organic cells. This ink is made from cellulose extracted in the forests of Sweden, and alginic acid, which is derived from seaweed. The company was the first in the world to start using the Internet to sell standardized ink that you can mix with any type of human cells.

Now the main goal of the company is to create cartilage and skin cells, which can be used to test medicines and cosmetics.

“From the beginning we set a goal to change the world of medicine – neither more nor less. We wanted our technology appeared in every laboratory in the world,” says Gatenholm.

The cost biochannel varies from 9 to 299 dollars, and the printers the company sells from 10 thousand to 39 thousand dollars. Most of the customers are universities and research centers in USA, Asia and Europe. Among them mit, Harvard University and University College London. But pharmaceutical companies are turning to the Cellink technology for the development of their products. They conduct tests created using bioprinting of human tissues, which may allow to reduce the number of ongoing experiments on animals.

Gatenholm notes that his team had to undertake the painstaking work to understand the laws of different countries and their requirements, safety standards, and provide-hour customer support worldwide. Many experts believe that in the next 10 – 20 years same results for bioprinting can be used to create functioning organs. But such a perspective also opens a lot of ethical issues that companies have to solve the growth.

Gatenholm says that through joint working on safety testing and the definition of standards it is a relatively new industry bioprinting will transform science fiction scenario in a horror movie.

“I believe it. It is my passion. I live it and I don’t have any regrets,” he says.


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