In Germany forbade the children to wear smart watches


В Германии запретили  детям носить "умные" часыIn Germany, the Federal network Agency has banned the use of “smart hours”

It is noted that it is not about all “smart watches”, but only those that operate without regard to the child’s phone and which is a function of “voice monitor”.

In Germany, the Federal network Agency has banned the use of “smart hours”, which allow adults to listen to what is happening around the baby. This technology has been hailed as a way of tracking.

According to officials, the parents of some children used the “smart watch” in order to listen to what the teachers say in class. Teachers themselves, often disciples at this point did not notice that the microphone on the watch is included. The Agency recommends that parents of children who have a “smart watch” to destroy these devices. The Ministry stressed that it is not all “smart watches”, but only those that operate without regard to the child’s phone and which is a function of “voice monitor”.

She’s using the program on other phone allows you to turn on your microphone and listen to what is happening around the baby.


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