How you see the world different animals. Photo


Каким видят окружающий мир разные животные. ФотоThey are all so different.

We can’t see the world through the eyes of animals (and would like), but thanks to science I can imagine how some look things in the eyes of our smaller brethren.

We have collected 10 of the clearest examples of a different perception of the world.

10. As you can see the underwater world of sharks

Каким видят окружающий мир разные животные. Фото

Until recently it was believed that sharks can’t see. However, research and experiments of scientists has denied this allegation. Sharks see the world in a slightly colored gray or green light, while objects in good contrast.

9. As you can see the world of snakes

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Special organs of a snake are designed for the perception of heat sources, helping to find prey in the dark and protected from large predators. This ability to see heat sources not found in other animal species.

8. As you can see the dog world

Каким видят окружающий мир разные животные. Фото

Dogs can’t distinguish red from green, both colors — yellow and orange. Many people do not even suspect that, looking at the traffic light, four-legged friend does not discriminate, there is a light. The dog is guided by changing the brightness of eyes of the traffic light, and the actions of the people around her.

7. How to see the world bee

Каким видят окружающий мир разные животные. Фото

Bees see a wider color spectrum, including ultraviolet light. This allows them to easily find the pollen on the flowers.

6. As you can see the underwater world of the cuttlefish

Каким видят окружающий мир разные животные. Фото

Despite the incredible ability to change color of the body, the eyesight of cuttlefish leaves much to be desired. The pupil is W-shaped and only one photoreceptor that lets them see only shades of grey.

5. How to see the world sparrows

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Our little friends whom we meet everywhere, look at the world through rose-colored glasses. For some reason sparrows don’t like the blue color, but also afraid of shiny, sparkling stripes.

4. How to see the world eagles

Каким видят окружающий мир разные животные. Фото

The eagle can see prey from a distance of several kilometers, if the bird will help yourself move your head, this distance can be doubled. The eagle with great care to scan an area of 13 km2.

3. How to see the world owls

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At night, owls can see 3 times better than humans. They have no eyeballs. The eyes of owls probably should be called “eye tubes”, but the lack of binocular vision, they are compensated with excellent night vision and farsightedness, which makes owls ferocious nocturnal predators.

2. As you can see cats in the dark

Каким видят окружающий мир разные животные. Фото

Cats are nocturnal, so their activity begins after sunset. It is because they need good vision at night. In the eyes of the cats in 6-8 times more cells of the sticks more sensitive to weak light, which allows them to see well in the dark.

1. How cats see the world

Каким видят окружающий мир разные животные. Фото

Cats can distinguish quite a lot of colors to their lives were quite bright and colorful. Basically, the world of cats painted in shades of blue, gray and green, can’t see cats purple and yellow, and other colors to these animals is unavailable. Vision cats has a lower resolution than humans, they see objects a little blurry.

Bonus: How a cat sees its owner

Каким видят окружающий мир разные животные. Фото


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