Ford came up with a way to get rid of the traffic lights


В Ford придумали способ избавиться от светофоровThe company introduced a system of IMP.

Interesting statistics: each year, the average motorist stands at traffic lights for 2 days, while 60% of accidents occur at intersections.

The IMP system, developed by engineers of Ford, uses a communication technology between vehicles: when two vehicles approaching one intersection, the system will display an ideal speed at which the cars pass the intersection to avoid collision. That is, no one car needs to stop!

In this video published by Fordoche, looks scary: it seems that cars are about to collide, but this is not happening.

The assurances Mordovtsev system IMP you can start right now, despite the fact that cars are driven by people. Of course, technology can also be applied to Autonomous vehicles that will be even more secure because the system relies on correct human actions.


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