Five ways to prepare the body for the cold


The body for seasonal restructuring takes time.

Autumn is already fully came into its own, and it is time to strengthen your immune system and prepare the body for the winter cold. Rebuilt in freezing weather can be difficult due to the fact that it can attack suddenly, but dealing with the cold will help simple and effective tips.

Include in your diet figs

In autumn and winter, our body is vulnerable to viral diseases, which can lead to serious complications. To avoid this, it is necessary to include in the diet plenty of foods, which contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals. Figs are useful both fresh and dried. They have a warming, stretching and kneading effect, and therefore are a good tool in the fight against colds and flu and also protect the lungs and bronchi from inflammation. Eat a few spoons of jam from the figs every day and your immune system will be protected.

Brew tea with star anise

In cold weather is to warm up with delicious and healthy drinks. In ordinary black tea, add a slice of lemon, some ginger and star anise. These ingredients help your body not only quickly adapts to the frosty weather, but will receive protection. Spice star anise will help clean the upper Airways, thereby relieving you from cough and shortness of breath.

Raise your immunity with the help of salads

During the cold weather is to do your diet as carefully as possible. The body needs vitamins and useful minerals, so the fruits and vegetables you need to eat regularly. Strengthen your immune system with foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Thus, the salads, carrots, radish, cabbage and beets will help to protect the health and maintain good health.

Don’t forget about the tomato juice

About the beneficial properties of tomato juice has long been known. Due to its composition it has a positive effect on the digestive and nervous system, and its daily use strengthens protective functions of an organism, protecting it from the scorching frost.

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Remember about proper breathing

Going outside, do not make sudden and deep breaths. Due to improper breathing and can get sick, particularly to bronchial spasm. Try to breathe through the nose so that the air coming into the lungs, it was time to warm up.


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