Doctors called one of the main reasons for reduced libido


Медики назвали одну из главных причин снижения либидоThe main “killer” of sex.

The study showed that the main factor that reduces libido is stress.

Study 2 066 adult residents of the UK showed that 45% consider stress as the primary problems in the bedroom. Experts in the field argue that in a stressful condition a person develops anxiety, in these circumstances, the focus on sex can be very difficult.

Especially difficult stress affects men who just can’t get excited. Naturally, this causes even greater stress, so the problem turns into a vicious circle.

The second degree distribution factor reducing libido called bad physical health – 32% of respondents cited it as their main reason. 26% mentioned mental health problems, 20% can’t have sex due to the presence of children, and 18% of the stopping work.

Finally, 12% blamed often view porn at reduced libido, and 10% believe that the culprit of their aversion to sex are social networks.


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