Doctors called berry protects against breast cancer


Медики назвали ягоду, защищающую от рака грудиAvailable berry called “medicine” from several diseases.

Simple cranberries again proved its ability to be a healing tool on a new study to investigate its properties reported in the journal Caries Research.

The authors, employees of the University of Rochester (USA) came to the conclusion that cranberries can be considered the most safe and effective remedy for toothache.

After a series of experiments, the researchers have established that cranberry juice does not allow you to remain on the surface of teeth bacteria that causes tooth decay. In addition, cranberry juice effectively prevents various diseases of the gums.

Berry cranberries contain organic acids, vitamins B, PP, K1 and C, and minerals potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, calcium, iodine, zinc. According to doctors, the cranberry is one of the main sources of antioxidants in the human diet – because of these substances, the body becomes more resistant to the negative action of free radicals, activity of which is linked to aging, cancer development and cardiovascular diseases.

Scientists discovered in cranberry quercetin is a compound, not giving to develop breast cancer and colon cancer. In addition, due to the use of cranberry improves condition of the heart and blood vessels – this property of cranberry was confirmed in the study, scientists from the University of Wisconsin. In turn, employees of University of Scranton revealed that cranberry helps to increase the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of thrombosis.

“Those who have a family history of documented cases of strokes, especially recommended are the cranberry,” said the researchers.


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