Disclosed unexpected danger toothpaste


Раскрыта неожиданная опасность зубной пастыThe substance lowers the immune system and reduces the number of good bacteria in the gut.

Scientists from France spoke about the unexpected danger of toothpaste. It found a substance that turned out to be a terrible poison, corroding the enamel of the teeth.

According to experts, they revealed “the deception of the century”. In toothpaste contains a dye called “titanium dioxide”. It is added to pasta purchased whitening effect.

They found that rats treated pure titanium dioxide developed more cancer than those who are not faced with this substance.

In addition, experts said that this dye is not only in toothpaste. He is in white paint, construction paint and enamel. Also cheap and dangerous substance added to crab sticks, soy milk and chocolate.


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