Called unique healing properties of caffeine


 Названы уникальные для здоровья свойства кофеинаSix essential qualities.

Judging by the number of people with cups of coffee in hand, coffee drinkers do not become less. A variety of coffee drinks along with a number of consumers is growing with an enviable regularity. What makes us coffee, which we so stubbornly want to drink it every day? The reasons for this are multiple and we will mention them in this article.

1. Coffee enhances memory.

A study conducted by Johns Hopkins University found that coffee has a positive effect on memory. Information that is perceived by the brain within 24 hours after consuming caffeine, is fixed in the memory particularly well. Of course, not rely on magic power coffee is not necessary, but in an emergency it is very common. If you need to learn a large array of information that coffee helps to improve memory and increase brain activity. It may, of course, happen that some time later, to remember all the details exactly, you will not succeed, but in the next talks you will Shine.

2. Coffee slows down the process of aging.

There are serious reasons to believe that this drink actually helps us live longer. Professors from the University of Scranton discovered that those who drink three to five cups of coffee in day, risk of diabetes and various heart diseases is reduced by 15 %, in contrast to those who skip the daily “dose”. And it is not yet proven a direct link between caffeine and longevity, we can confidently say that a Cup of strong, quality coffee can give us a sense of invincibility and confidence.

3. Coffee can negatively affect performance.

This observation is quite new, so is of particular interest. In his book “me, myself, and us: the science of personality and the art of well-being” (Me, Myself, and Us), author Brian little said that coffee affects introverts and extroverts.

“Drinking about two cups of coffee, extroverts carry out tasks more efficiently, whereas introverts, on the contrary, much worse,” writes Brian. The arguments of the theory based on the fact that introverts often work on projects that require high concentration. Caffeine excessively stimulates the nervous system and makes them more likely to get distracted.

4. Coffee helps fight drowsiness.

This property of coffee is probably already familiar to you. Only one Cup of beverage transforms us from a zombie superheroes before we finish the first letter, work email. Why caffeine keeps us so quickly?

Research scientists at Seoul national University, held jointly with German and Japanese professors, which showed that caffeine can improve cognitive function and mood in people suffering from drowsiness and also affect areas of the brain responsible for memory and concentration. Caffeine easily passes the blood-brain barrier of the Central nervous system, which is designed to filter out bacteria, viruses and most drugs. Within 30 minutes, caffeine penetrates into every cell of our body, blocking the activity of adenosine, a so-called hormone of fatigue. As a result, we become more attentive and concentrated.

5. Coffee lifts the mood.

Please note how much change our mood after a few SIPS of the drink. Researchers from the University of the state of Nevada explain this by the fact that, in addition to adenosine, the caffeine also get the dopamine, acetylcholine and serotonin. Coffee stimulates an increased production of these hormones, which generally improves mood and makes us cheerful.

6. Coffee speeds up metabolism.

The scientific journal “Physiology and behavior” (Physiology & Behavior), the official publication of the International society of neuromodulation (Texas, USA), has published the results of studies showing that people who regularly consume coffee, the metabolism is accelerated by 16 %. In addition, coffee raises levels of endurance. The main thing is to drink only organic black coffee without cream and sugar, it is only he promotes weight loss.


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