Between Saturn and its satellites recorded strange sounds


Между Сатурном и его спутником зафиксированы странные звукиOf course, in space there is no real sound and radio waves are not sound.

New research data of the mission Grand Finale of the probe Cassini discovered a previously unknown interaction between Saturn and its satellite Enceladus plasma waves between them.

Cassini used his tool recipesmenus wave (RPWS) to capture the sounds of plasma waves that move between Saturn and Enceladus.

“Enceladus acts as a small generator of electromagnetic waves. Saturn is responding to the radiation generated by the motion of Enceladus, the waves that are born into the plasmasphere surrounding a planet and its rings,” explains one of the authors of a study specialist on the planet, Ali Sulaiman from the University of Iowa.

Moving along the magnetic field lines the plasma particles — electrons and ions — are accelerated and radiate electromagnetic waves, which scientists call plasma waves. The counter-radiation of Enceladus causes particles to oscillate and radiate a little bit stronger.

Of course, in space there is no real sound and radio waves are not sound. They are a form of electromagnetic radiation. However, we can convert those radio waves into sound using the same radio we use for communication here on Earth.

Plasma waves in the audible frequency range are electromagnetic, and that’s exactly what they got Cassini. Scientists have converted these signals into audio and accelerated it with 16 minutes to 28.5 seconds.


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