American University has lost a sample of weapons-grade plutonium


Американский университет потерял образец оружейного плутония

In the United States the Commission on nuclear settlement offers to fine the State University Idaho that he could not “control and supervision” over one gram of radioactive material. This is stated in the statement of the Commission. As written by East Idaho News and Live Science, we are talking about the Armory piece of plutonium.

According to the Commission, the missing 1 gram of plutonium appeared in the University inventory in 2004 together with other 13 milligram pieces of this material. As the speaker Department, the University staff noticed that one of them was unstable, so they Packed it in a protective cover and put aside for disposal. In October 2017 employee of the University found out that 1 gram plutonium has gone missing, by reviewing the records of the University with the actual quantity of radioactive material, says the report of the Commission.

The report also indicated that the documents missing piece of plutonium is still on campus and waiting to be sent. Also, there is no documentary evidence that he left the University and were either disposed of. Officers searched the campus, but the missing plutonium was never found.

As a result, the Commission on nuclear settlement has come to the conclusion that the University of Idaho has violated two rules, namely: lost control and surveillance of the radioactive material and did not provide correct information to the Commission. The University has 30 days to appeal the decision on the penalty.


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